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August 2021-Msichana ni kiongozi & YAI fellowship!!


Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Greetings from young and alive!! August 2021 was among of the great Month, here at young and alive were able to travel hundreds of kilometres to meet amazing 23 adolescent girls and young women(AGYW) in Makete district of Njombe region, which is in southern part of Tanzania. 23 AGYW have been taught SMART advocacy and leadership skills. The girls are champions of reducing and ending HIV/AIDS transmission among young people of Makete district, they are also the champions of the National accelerated investment agenda for adolescent health and wellbeing 2021/22-2024/25.

Here is one of the stories captured in Makete district, Eva is AGYW coming from Kinyika ward of Makete District in Njombe Region, through her voice fund, Eva together with other 23 AGYW were trained on smart advocacy, SRHR and HIV and AIDS. During the invitation to attend the advocacy meeting on influencing on what should be added in the five years strategic plan of Makete district, Eva raised a concern on inadequate numbers of CTC clinics in the district and specifically to her ward. Eva got a promising response whereby through her voice fund 2020 AGYW influenced the district to add 3 more CTC clinics from 13 to 16 and Eva’s was promised with her influence the plan to add more CTC clinics will be in place to cover all 23 wards.

Domitila coming from Mang’oto ward was among the mentors to other 17 AGYW who joined the Msichana Kiongozi program. soon after the her voice fund 2020 Domitila contested to join the village executive committee, because of her influence she was elected by village members and during the workshop she explains her influence in encouraging community members and AGYW living with HIV to join the CHF (Community health fund) that serves as insurance for up to 5 people by 30,000Tsh only. Domitila has been influencing the district executive director to work with AGYW in identifying their health needs and co design solutions including increasing awareness on the importance of CHF to the community.


Despite efforts taken to reduce sexual and reproductive health challenges among young people of Tanzania, yet there is very little emphasize to build capacity on young people to become self champions of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Young and alive in partnership with amplify change are taking initiative to build young people's capacity on three SRHR leadership tracks which are service delivery, social entrepreneurship and advocacy. In August we were joined by young people such as Gavin,Viola, Jackline and so many others joined us to design the young and alive fellowship program that will be commencing soon.

Are you happy for our August 2021 newsletter? please let us learn from you, contact us at, and or subscribe to our news and we cant wait what we deliver this September 2021. Love you all.

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Rehema Mkwawa
Rehema Mkwawa
Sep 09, 2021

It's happy month and I also learn alot through YA I fellow I look forward to see the biggest archievment which is proud of community.

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